Escher-Vetter, H.
Gletscher als Zeugen von Klimaänderungen
Wetterkatastrophen und Klimawandel - Sind wir noch zu retten ? / Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft - Munich Re, Edition Wissen
Boedecker, G.; Francis, O.; Kenyeres, A.
Unified European Gravity Reference Network 2002 - Status 2004
Jekeli C., Bastos L., Fernandes J. (eds) Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol 129. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Boedecker, G.; Kenyeres, A.; Francis, O.
Unified European Gravity Reference Network 2002: A Status Report
Proceedings of the 3rd meeting of the International Gravity and Geoid Commission, Aug. 26-30, 2002, Thessaloniki
Boedecker, G.
Determination of the gravity field - Overview and Highlights
National Report of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Geodetic Activities in the Years 1999–2003
Braun, L. N.; Hagg, W.
Glacial changes in the Pamir during the past 75 years and their effect on streamflow
Bielefelder ökologische Beiträge
Brunner, K.; Rentsch, H.
Das Verhalten des Waxeggkees in den Zillertaler Alpen von 1950 bis 2000
Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie
Glazirin, G. E.; Braun, L. N.; Shchetinnikov, A. S.
Sensitivity of mountain glacierization to climatic changes in Central Asia
Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie (38)
Hagg, W.
Auswirkungen von Gletscherschwund auf die Wasserspende hochalpiner Gebiete, Vergleich Alpen - Zentralasien
Münchener Geographische Abhandlungen, Reihe A
Ludwig, R.; Mauser, W.; Niemeyer, S.; Colgan, A.; Stolz, R.; Escher-Vetter, H.; Kuhn, M.; Reichstein, M.; Tenhunen, J.; Kraus, A.; Ludwig, M.; Barth, M.; Hennicker, R.
Web-based modelling of energy, water and matter fluxes to support decision making in mesoscale catchments - the integrative perspective of GLOWA-Danube
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Meyer, U.; Boedecker, G.; Pflug, H.;
Airborne Navigation and Gravimetry Ensemble & Laboratory - Introduction and First Airborne Tests
SciTechReport STR03/06
Kaniuth, K.; Völksen, C.
Comparison of the Bernese and GIPSY/Oasis II software systems using EUREF data
Mitt. des Bundesamtes fur Kartographie und Geodasie (29)
Völksen, C.; Menge, F.
The impact of different GPS antenna calibration models on the EUREF permanent network
Mitt. des Bundesamtes fur Kartographie und Geodäsie / EUREF Publication No. 12 (29)
Boedecker, G.; Völksen, C.; Wende, W.; Böder, V.; Wanninger, L.
Precise GPS-Positioning and -Acceleration for Airborne Gravimetry: a case study
Proceedings of the 3rd meeting of the International Gravity and Geoid Commission, Aug. 26-30, 2002, Thessaloniki
Heck, Bernhard
National report of the Federal Republic of Germany on the geodetic activities in the years 1999 - 2003
XXIII general assembly of the International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2003 in Sapporo/Japan
DGK: Veröffentlichungen B: Angewandte Geodäsie (Reihe B, Angewandte Geodäsie ; 312)
Glazyrin, G. E.; Braun, L. N.; Siebers, M.
Sensitivity of glaciers in the Otztaler Ache river basin (Central Alps) to the climate change
Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy (Data of Glaciological Studies)
Graf, W.; Oerter, H.; Reinwarth, O.; Stichler, W.; Wilhelms, F.; Miller, H.; Mulvaney, R.
Stable isotope records from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica
Annals of Glaciology
Graf, W.; Stichler, W.; Reinwarth, O.; Oerter, H.
Zeitreihen stabiler Isotope in Firnkernen aus Dronning Maud Land, Antarktis, für die letzten 1000 Jahre
GEO 2002. Planet Erde: Vergangenheit, Entwicklung, Zukunft. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft (21)
Escher-Vetter, H.
Modelling meltwater production with a distributed energy balance method and runoff using a linear reservoir approach - Results from Vernagtferner, Oetztal Alps, for the ablation seasons 1992 to 1995
Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie
Arnadóttir, Thóra; Hreinsdóttir, Sigrún; Gudmundsson, Gunnar; Einarsson, Páll; Heinert, Michael; Völksen, Christof
Crustal deformation measured by GPS in the South Iceland Seismic Zone due to two large earthquakes in June 2000
Geophys. Res. Lett (28, 21)
Jentzsch, Gerhard; Punongbayan, Raymondo S; Schreiber, Ulrich; Seeber, Günter; Völksen, Christof; Weise, Adelheid
Mayon volcano, Philippines: change of monitoring strategy after microgravity and GPS measurements from 1992 to 1996
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research (109, 1)
Torres, João Agria
Report on the symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF)
held in Tromsø, 22 - 24 June 2000
Astronomisch-Geodätische Arbeiten (61)
Braun, L. N.; Weber, M.; Schulz, M.
Consequences of climate change for runoff from Alpine regions
Annals of Glaciology
Eder, K.; Würländer, R.; Rentsch, H.
Digital photogrammetry for the new glacier inventory of Austria
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Escher-Vetter, H.
Gletscherforschung am Vernagtferner - aus den Arbeiten der Kommission für Glaziologie
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft