Paul, F.; Escher-Vetter, H.; Machguth, H.
Comparison of mass balances for Vernagtferner, Oetztal Alps, as obtained from direct measurements and distributed modeling
Annals of Glaciology
Quincey, D. J.; Copland, L.; Mayer, C.; Bishop, M.; Luckman, A.; Belo, M.
Ice velocity and climate variations for Baltoro Glacier, Pakistan
Journal of Glaciology
Thoma, M.; Grosfeld, K.; Filina, I.; Mayer, C.
Modelling flow and accreted ice in subglacial Lake Concordia, Antarctica
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Shahgedanova, M.; Hagg, W.; Hassell, D.; Stokes, C. R.; Popovnin, V.
Climate change, glacier retreat, and water availability in the Caucasus region
Jones, J. A. A.; Vardanian, T. G.; Hakopian, C. (3 editors) / Threats to global water security / Springer, Dordrecht, 402pp
Escher-Vetter, H.; Soentgen, J.
Warum sind Gletscher Schnee von gestern ?
Soentgen, J.; Reller, A. (2 editors) / CO2 - Lebenselexier und Klimakiller / oekom verlag, München, 301pp
Völksen, C.
Bayerische Kommission für die Internationale Erdmessung
Heydenreuter, R.; Krauss-Meyl, S.; Kruse, C. / Helle Köpfe - Die Geschichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1759-2009 / Pustet, Regensburg, 299pp (51)
Escher-Vetter, H.
Kommission für Glaziologie
Heydenreuter, R.; Krauss-Meyl, S.; Kruse, C. / Helle Köpfe - Die Geschichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1759-2009 / Pustet, Regensburg, 299pp (51)
Weber, M.; Prasch, M.
Einfluss der Gletscher auf das Abflussregime (des Einzugsgebiets der Oberen Donau) und dessen Veränderung unter Szenariobedingungen
GLOWA-Danube-Projekt, LMU München (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau, München
Weber, M.; Prasch, M.; Kuhn, M.; Lambrecht, A.
Veränderungen der Eisreserven in der Zukunft
GLOWA-Danube-Projekt, LMU München (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau, München
Völksen, C.
Reprocessing of a regional GPS network in Europe
Observing our Changing Earth, Proceedings of the 2007 IAG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2 - 13, 2007
Völksen, Christof; Árnadóttir, Thóra; Geirsson, Halldór; Valsson, Gudhmundur
Present day geodynamics in Iceland monitored by a permanent network of continuous GPS stations
Journal of geodynamics (48, 3)
Völksen, C.; Walpersdorf, A.; Aoudia, A.; Barzaghi, R.; Borghi, A.; Canizzaro, L.
The ALPS GPSQUAKENET project - A permanent GPS network in the Alps
Bollettino di Geodesia e Science Affini, Journal of the Istituto Geografico Militare (1)
Weber, Markus
Mikrometeorologische Prozesse bei der Ablation eines Alpengletschers
Abhandlungen (177)
Belo, M.; Mayer, C.; Smiraglia, C.; Tamburini, A.
The recent evolution of Liligo glacier, Karakoram, Pakistan, and its present quiescent phase
Annals of Glaciology
Eder, K.; Reidler, C.; Mayer, C.; Leopold, M.
Crevasse detection in alpine areas using ground penetrating radar as a component for a mountain guide system
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Hagg, W.; Mayer, C.; Lambrecht, A.; Helm, A.
Sub-debris melt rates on Southern Inylcheck Glacier, central Tian Shan
Geografiska Annaler, Series A, Physical Geography
Hagg, W.; Mayer, C.; Lambrecht, A.; Helm, A.; Michailjlow
Glaciological results of the 2005 expedition to Inylchek Glacier, Central Tian Shan
Geography, Environment, Sustainability (GES, Moscow)
Haggren, H.; Mayer, C.; Nuikka, M.; Braun, L.; Rentsch, H.; Peipe, J.
Processing of old terrestrial photography for verifying the 1907 digital elevation model of Hochjochferner glacier
Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie
Mayer, C.; Lambrecht, A.; Hagg, W.; Helm, A.; Scharrer, K.
Post-drainage ice dam response at Lake Merzbacher, Inylchek Glacier, Kyrgyzstan
Geografiska Annaler, Series A, Physical Geography
Melis, M. T.; Anfodillo, T.; Smiraglia, C.; Diolaiuti, G. A.; Mayer, C.; D'Agata, C.; Dessi, F.; Ficetola, F.; Salerno, F.; Cuccillato, E.; Shrestha, B.; Bajracharya, B.
Remote sensing application to the knowledge of environmental dynamics for a project of management planning in Central Karakoram National Park, Pakistan
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Mihalcea, C.; Mayer, C.; Diolaiuti, G.; D'Agata, C.; Smiraglia, C.; Lambrecht, A.; Vuillermoz, E.; Tartari, G.
Spatial distribution of debris thickness and melting from remote-sensing and meteorological data, at debris-covered Baltoro glacier, Karakoram, Pakistan
Annals of Glaciology
Smiraglia, C.; Mayer, C.; Mihalcea, C.; Diolaiuti, G.; Belo, M.; Vassena, G.
I ghiacciai dell'Himalaya-Karakorum - Risultati e problemi nello studio delle variazioni recenti dei piu grandi ghiacciai non polari
Terra Glacialis (Annali di cultura Glaciologica)
Strasser, U.; Bernhardt, M.; Weber, M.; Liston, G. E.; Mauser, W.
Is snow sublimation important in the alpine water balance?
The Cryosphere (2)